Grande Maison


A New Era for Mischa G: Early Influences, Hair Futurisms and the Great Work of Believing in Oneself.

Caroline Greyl on the Legacy of Leonor Greyl

Standing at the Grave of Antoine de Paris with Laurent Philippon

Once upon a time… in the Institut de Leonor Greyl

Louder than Words: Little Voice on never growing up

Eli Halliwell and the war against Shampoo

“If we had our own Superhero movie, it would be an eco-thriller. The villains: Shampoo companies,....”

“When I encountered New Wash, I had no choice but to team up with Michael Gordon and Mauricio Bellora to bring these revolutionary products to the world.”

In Interview Dave the Bushman

Q: What are some of the benefits to this society that you can’t experience in a Westernized city? A: A true sense of freedom and community!

In Interview Sabrina Michals

Life Imitates Art Initiates Life

And Does Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life? Life is art. Is not the moon a testament to that?!

In Interview Formento + Formento

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Life is about how you feel, and art can make you feel they are the same thing

As kids we called it “imagination”, pure and simple.

Design Excellence Award for Communication at iF 2018

Improvising Perfection: The Felix Fischer Story

In Interview Mischa G. The Yellow Glow of Rebellion

"I’ve always been terrified of Alice in Wonderland so I would prefer to never live or work there and god have mercy on my soul if I ever get Alice as a client."